At Podiatry at Tōtara we specialize in the assessment and treatment of musculoskeletal and sport injuries.
What to expect when you attend your MUSCULOSKELETAL ASSESSMENT?
The Podiatrist will have a chat with you and listen to your history of the complaint to get good understanding of the issue and your goals for seeking treatment.
We will then take some time to do some appropriate physical assessment and testing which may include checking joint range of motion, structure of the foot, ankle and lower limb, static and dynamic strength/balance tests, walking /running gait, shoe wear check and assessment.
Once this has been completed, we will discuss the findings and clinical opinion with you and how podiatry can help so you have the knowledge to make an informed decision. Treatment discussed may include shoe wear recommendation, foot orthotics, exercises, stretching, strapping and ongoing advice.
Some of the many MUSCULOSKELETAL conditions assessed and treated at Podiatry at Tōtara.